Friday, May 13, 2011

If a Tree Falls in the Forest: A Conversation

“Why aren’t you writing?”

“Because hardly anybody reads any more.”

“I think you’ve got your reward system backward.”

“What do you mean?” (I ask him this very frequently.)

“I mean that instead of doing the crosswords as a reward for doing something you don’t want to do, like the dishes, you should reward yourself for doing something you actually want to do, like writing.”

“It just seems pointless to write when we’re living in a time where so few people have the skill or motivation to read.”

“Well, I practice the cello every day. I practice things nobody will ever hear but me.”

“Oh, that’s not true. Everybody wants to hear you play. You play all the time.”

“But I practice because it is what I do. I think you should write because that’s what you do.”



alohab said...

i love to read what you write!

jazzbone said...

I read what you write, eventually, and LOVE it. You're inspiring to your kid brother, a wannabe writer...

maikib said...

Oh, please keep writing (see previous comment on "Antonio")-- I still love to read (and refuse to buy an electronic reader like a kindle or read the newspaper online because I so love the way a book and newspaper feels, looks and smells-- esp the NYT and library books. Books are art to me, both physically and metaphysically). And writers the most worshipful of artists (along with musicians, of course). :)